's liberty (or free agency) can either lift one to great heights or... bring one crashing down to bedrock.
THIS Championship needs to be on the front page!!!
Don't get me wrong, glad that we got Badger on board... BUT, I am really looking forward to see how Kahliel Jackson does this year. Call me...
Yesss... You are right. I have had that avatar for over three years now. Need to replace it!
I am placing my money and confidence on Kahliel Jackson. I want him to skyrocket this season!
Scott Carter's story above is a GREAT read! Every Gator Fan needs to take the time to read this. Heart warming...and a true example of...
As so many others have expressed: We want to see a healthy Andy Jean!!!
Sad to say, but I have heard the same thing happening in Athens.
True... But when it comes to FSU fans... It doesn't matter if it is: Walmart Home Depot Lowes Dollar Store Waffle House Huddle House Winn Dixie....
Dat's right... Thank you for the clarification. I was there that day... wow!
Ask Forida Field fans about those B-26s!!
Ever seen an FSU fan walking around a Wal-Mart? They all look the same... Seriously! No joke! And it's been that way for over 40 years.
Gator Fans...Tom Petty Fans... Check out this beautiful version of, "Southern Accents." Tom Petty's song, covered by Dolly Parton. Makes one proud...
Lee McGriff says hello! I played with McGriff back in junior high when he only weighed 128 lbs. Lee weighed around 160 in high school. He walks on...
I'm just crushed, I tell ya... Just crushed!
Publix Key Lime/Mango Pie!
Hello Fellow Gators (and especially, Native Floridians!) After being purchased from Spain in 1819, Florida was granted Statehood in 1845....
Reminds me of that U.S. Government Program where they would provide chicken farmers big checks for purchasing new birds. "Money for nuthin' and...