Thanks ET... I figured as much. It's just that these articles are so blatantly biased, twisted and simply don't hold any credibility!
Over the past six to seven months, there has been two to three websites out there that put out overly negative and unexplainable headlines...
Yea.... I know how you feel... The days of school loyalty, team loyalty and even State loyalty are rare at the least and even long gone! Remember...
Is there a highlight video of Condon working his magic? (I missed the game!...auurgh!)
Could not have said it better! Quality officiating in college sports is becoming an ongoing lost art!!
After the game, they interviewed Mushie as he was stepping onto the bus. He replied, "We lost the game up front."
Let's recap, shall we? 1. Florida EMBARRASSES FSU AT Ron Zook Field on national TV. FSU winds up going 2--10 for the year! Remember that......
Sniff! Sniff!
My wife and I worked up a word game to see how MANY times one can connect a word in front or back of the word, "ass." Smartass... Dumbass......
Just is our legacy receiver, Kahleil Jackson is doing? I am partial to the Jackson family. Back in 1969 my older brother...
Lived there for two years. LOTS of rain!! It rained SO much... 5 days out of 7 days a week. When you would drive next to or underneath I-5... the... Hold on tight!
As a former offensive lineman, I can say, without ANY hesitation that any team that has a stout offensive line will always blow other teams away....
We can dream, can't we?
Let's beef up our offensive line by adding some depth and the whole picture changes! Folks... for Lagway and Baugh... It's ALL about our offensive...
Amen... They ARE obnoxious, annoying and definitely, delusional!
How in the world did I leave out Kerwin Bell?!!!
Tremendous young man!! Here IS the thing... Great players (especially quarterbacks) will go to various schools and play. The fans of those...