Certain types of men have been trying to deemphasize education ever since women started going. Idk what is so appealing to some about pretending...
It truly amazes me how uninformed some are on jobs reports while simultaneously firmly believing they know more than everyone else. Stunning.
I know his antics as a troll really pleases maga right now but long term it’s pretty clear his interests and the maga movement are going to...
Unfortunately, once you start letting your wealthy unelected citizens start calling their own shots politically, it's hard to rein them back in.
who’s irritated? I mean I laughed out loud I thought it was funny if childish. My kids knock knock jokes are funny too. Gotta enjoy the little things.
Let’s let corporations pay for branding. Tostitos Rocky Mountains, Home Depot gulf of America, Walmart Mount Rushmore. Disney Grand Canyon. Raise...
The dems lost as soon as Biden didn’t declare himself a one term president. I think everyone can agree they’re also on the losing side of identity...
Once again doing incredible gymnastics to justify Russian losses. My god man. You might as well say, of course Russia could win the war anytime if...
What’s so sad is that there are so many lies, especially perpetually pushed on various social media, that truth is basically dead in so far as...
People celebrating as we continue the open move into a dystopian corporate plutocracy.
I mean - I kind of wish that Ukraine would get that deal (entry into NATO for exchange of currently occupied territory) - but the whole point of...
The kraken will be released soon! We swear! Donate 20 dollars now!!!
and clearly you, above all others, have been immune to propaganda. Based on your posting history.
Oh I get it. Lawfare is ok if you’re a Republican doing it. I got it. Thanks for clearing that up. Makes me chuckle.
lolololol a patriot? How gullible can you get? Hey listen if an insurance salesman comes to your door just say no.
I thought lawfare was bad?
I read this. You can’t actually believe this… right? You understand the Chinese have been openly stealing this tech from western biotech/pharmacy...
Here’s an example, bill: I dislike it when political leaders I support appear to lie. It’s bad leadership. But I see it as the lesser of two...
I haven’t made as many posts as you you can’t possibly know my feelings on Biden’s or any other liberals lies. Why don’t you nut up be a man and...
You don’t care about your candidates lies I suppose?