I only wish the world was that simple. Unfortunately we have strategic interests across the globe and ignoring those interests can cause...
lol you know you support the party of ending social assistance right? Soooo good luck with that. Also the world is connected. You can’t really...
I mean those points we can at least debate - so I appreciate you bringing in some reality. But lol at republicans coming in to save “the people in...
Honestly every day it seems the board is filling up with the kind of Trump voters that sound like the type who probably believe there’s a Jewish...
lol not even close but by all means keep enjoying your hallucinations.
I remember when EOs used to be worth worrying about. Now they are so overused and oft ignored it’s hard to take them seriously. (Depending on the...
the planet doesn’t need more people. We need to sustain. Constant growth is a problem and we shouldn’t sacrifice education simply to make more...
Also the last admin actually delivered a decent amount cons just like to downplay all the investment they put into this countries infrastructure...
People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Trumps entire platform is literally blaming other people for everything and then never delivering.
it’s not a one party problem anymore but believe what you want
shitty candidates Unhappy populace (lots of reasons but economy first and foremost) Mediocre ideas Poor messaging
that is an opinion not a fact. I know it’s hard to tell the difference when you’re a conservative these days. Obviously you don’t have any of your...
oh enlighten us great teacher of politics. Share with us your wisdom.
Can you read? I guess not. I said they lost as soon as he decided not to be a one term president. I can put up with crazy but at least try to read...
because you are trolling. Congrats for walking right in to that one. Mod.
Idk if politics is ever fun but certainly amusing.
then why keep posting?
It’s only been 4 years have people really already forgotten what a shit show the Trump admin was? Man the next 4 years are going to be so amusing.
hahahaha if you didn’t care then owning the libs wouldn’t be so important to you. But it’s all you care about. So obviously you care deeply which...