I hope you’re right it sounds good in theory.
I mean, yes of course, as with all things. It's probably a position you should have taken more often before opining on the war over the past few...
Uhhh known what was coming? More sanctions? I’m sure he’s suuuuper scared.
Kudos to team maga. Your hypocrisy is so incredible it keeps my head spinning.
Right I forgot. Righty president in office means the right wing geniuses don’t care about spending anymore. I know hypocrisy is everywhere in...
Wait I’m confused I thought the right was all pissed at Biden for spending bigly on infrastructure. Now we’re doing it again? I mean I’m all for...
Undoubtedly- no argument there. You’d all be saluting him.
my 90 year old father would be a better mod than what we have been getting. But the people have spoken so a thread for each it is.
if your mom says yes I’m all for it.
Modern farming is a pretty complex operation and migrant farmers have generational experience. I’m not sure farmers want inexperienced white...
so you’re going to give people from the U.S. prison system weeders, hoes, sickles and other sharp tools and make them pick crops against their...
“Shutting down the border” is not that hard. Stopping people from walking across a mostly un defended 2000 mile border is another thing...
lol ok. Thanks for the support.
Dawwww. Do you need attention?
oh? What will I grapple with? Isn’t American going to be great? I expect to continue making money hand over fist. I bet I’m going to be laughing...
the whole front page could become confirmation news tho - but ok. I guess we’re used to being spammed at this point.
I’m totally fine with Rubio.
Hey mods maybe we should make one thread for all confirmation related news? Just maybe?
Somehow I think I'll end up enjoying it more than you. Which you might think is laughable, but life is strange. See my expectations are low, while...
O rly? You sound pissed but of course I’m sure you wouldn’t tell a lie ;) Sidebar- what a weak response btw. TDS tds! That all you got? Raise...