Billy refusing to use our 2 best offense players ( Wilson and ETN)
I guarantee you they’re been Harping on creating turnovers this week.
Difference between lack of talent and apathy. Team looks alseep and Uk looks pumped.
Tv timeout after a kick off?
All of a sudden we can’t tackle
Looking so flat
I didn’t see a hold but whaty
Strength of schedule is overrated. If people paid attention to it Texas or fsu would be number 1. Not uga
What? He’s from Texas right? Why is he interested in UF football?
He isnt leaving Clemson
Regardless of what vol fans say they were not ready to Snap the ball anyway. They were just as confused on the sideline trying to get a play in....
Hard to take Johnny Wilson serious with the baggy sleeves
Man that Corso piece got me
PI there?
Man Billy I want you to win here I really do. Out of all the recent coaches I like him the most but come On dude
Mertz can’t make a 3 yard pass now
You think uga wouldn’t match it?
Down by 14 and we can’t score doesn’t look good.