Who spent money on doing a study like this??? **************NEWS FLASH**************** The left thinks the right is unintelligent!! The right...
Maybe I can put this in another way that might be acceptable. The other night in the basketball game, I don't think anyone can deny that the refs...
Excuse my assumption when you said if they finished the count there would have been no question.
I agree that it will impact the price, but I would think in the big picture of steel availability in this country, what is needed for the rebuild...
No rescue, just pointing out some facts for the sheep.
Well...... I am not a criminal so I cannot totally speculate on what a criminal enterprise would have done. I would say though you send out...
So does this make you an early adopter of election denying!
I won't do all the work for you, but we all know you haven't even looked at what i linked. You are trying to get me in a gotcha moment. If you...
Google is your friend....
Did any of you even bother to read what this guy did? Wrote a bad check for $38,000 in 1996 and while on probation in 2008, he registered to vote...
You can blindly follow anything you want. I have no doubt and know how the courts rule. But when a district increases mail in ballots by...
Well this is how I see the platform: 1. Jail all non-whites 2. remove the archaic restriction on being President for only 2 terms 3. Add a sickle...
A lefty making up what they think the platform will be!! I am sure you are spot on!!
All I would say is around 45,000 total votes in three states and the election results would have come out different. I think with around 150...
I would like to see a first account of the interview process and also like to know what answer is expected. I think it is fair to ask the...
Who owns the public property? Doesn't the city, county, state or federal government own public property? Do not each of us, via our vote...
Ok... But do we not collectively, so to speak, own our country?
Let me poke the bear a little here with some of the left that seem to have a big problem with squatters. What is the difference between someone...
I agree 100%, but there is not much better than sitting down to a well-cooked fat juicy ribeye with a glass of wine.
I can't believe I wasted all that time to read this thread!! Bottom line is if you don't care what interest you pay, or you have cash, don't care...