I would ask what makes some of these murders blow up in the media as compared to others? I know several of you will post only ones that blow up...
I would ask you with the decline in manufacturing over the last 20 years or so and mostly urban based, what else is produced in these urban areas?...
Why bother!!!
As I said before. Election denier for a different fabricated reason. Funny how that is accepted but any questions of 2020, you are anti patriot....
Funny stuff coming from a bot! Meeting face to face for you is impossible, well I guess looking at my computer is face to face for you!
Please expand on what of those threads were not sourced and up for discussion? Which of these threads are a conspiracy story? You may disagree...
Thanks for the remarks and I would say when you paint with a broad brush you tend to lump things together that may not necessarily go together. As...
Different memories from different prospectives. The main thing I am refuting is though that the rise of "racism" is not to be blamed all on Trump...
I don't recall that many calling themselves racist. I do recall though that if you disagreed with Obama, your intentions for disagreeing were...
I would agree but I think it goes back to before Trump. I think there was absolutely some racist comments being made of Obama, but on the same...
Lacuna makes some very good points. The sad thing is though is most on the left do not realizes when they post how condescending their posts are....
Election denier!!!!
As I said we can argue the causes all we want and may agree or disagree on them, but I think most folks that go to the grocery regularly can see...
Grifting and trying to avoid paying taxes, etc... is most of what I thought but just wondered if anyone had heard of them or had any intimate...
The chart that was added in thread says it all. Approximates food inflations. 2021 5% 2022 12% 2023 3% Any way you look at that we are paying over...
I'm not defending them. I just want to know where you found that they were white nationalist. I guess you just think they are so they are? They...
So are you saying a State National is a white nationalist Christo Fascist group?
You may be absolutely right!! You know EVERYTHING used to be better back in the day!!! Maybe it is just my recollection, I just remember being...
This is the best absolute take on this forum I think I have ever seen! It's sad because this use to be an exchange of ideas and discussion as to...