This is a rather unique thread IMO. Simply because it is a divisive thread on age rather than politics. I guarantee you the vast majority that...
We will be saying the same about this bot account 10 years from now, well actually 9 years and 10 months from now.
Do you or anyone know if most surrogacies are still done with just the man's sperm fertilizing the surrogates' egg or is an egg and sperm taken...
I'm replying to your post because reading it made me realize something and this is not necessarily directed at you. I find it amazing from the...
This is true but needs to be taken into context. If I get subsidizes on 1000 acres of crop land and the conglomerate gets subsidizes on 100,000...
Well...I would definitively say I am not one of the rich guys, but my taxes were significantly lower than they are now.
Glad we have so many here that can tell the future with such certainty. Stock tips???
Well....... Having something to eat and somewhere to live might trump most of the younger, not the activists, but how many do they actually...
I understand what you are saying, but I firmly believe the overwhelming vast majority of the people would like to see some level of limits. If...
Did you hear Trumps statement this morning on abortion? What I heard is, it is now and should remain a state's issue that any limits would be...
I don't know? Would it stand to reason that younger folks are being hit harder with some of the economy numbers we are seeing? Housing as a...
Well, the Clinton's did take all the "W" from all the computers!!! lol
I always find it strange that anything that benefits "Your Team" we all tend to give the benefit of doubt and have faith the party involved is...
Oh I forgot to add. Trump is the reason these prices are up. Trump sucks Are you really asking that question? Could it be that was just before...
You just don't get it do you?????? These are all made up!!! You must listen to what the chamber is telling you. Do not look with your owns eyes...
I think this is truer than anyone really wants to admit. I think generally the president can really only have effect on the "feeling" most have....
No i agree with % doesn't fight anybody. I was just trying to compare if rural areas might put 1 in 100 into service vs populated areas that...
Look at the date, this is old news and quite possibly been a thread created back when he did it. Not condoning it but old news
That all happen before AI was introduced so you will have to scan some history programming!!
Whether you realize it or not you have just admitted that you are for open borders, no restrictions, if they commit a crime, we will deal will...