With the Hur report, I now think the charges that have the best opportunity to stick are the obstruction ones in the classified docs suit. I...
First other than a few of you on here I don't even know what the hell you are talking about with Kraken, and classified is classified and some of...
So basically, because Trump is d!ck about giving them back he gets charged and Biden being the nice cooperative guy, even though some similar...
So simply answer the question!! A simply no would suffice!!
I stated and admitted that not all of Trump's charges are what Biden did, but there certainly are quite a few that are very similar and if you...
Have you answered the question of whether you are a bot or not?
Do you even recognize what Biden did? He kept his for 8 million reason and then gave them to his ghost writer!! I am by no means exonerating...
Here is a little Trump Koolaid right of Biden's mouth. About halfway through the first day, Hur asked Biden how he stored documents related to...
I'll say this!! I don't think either should be charged on the documents. Simply because we have seen it way to often with too many...
The reason behind hating it is because it is a total pyramid scheme with very poor ROI. If you don't believe me, get a log on to SSA.gov where...
Do you think current SS benefits are sustainable as they are?
Never disappoint, except the graph didn't come from obscure website!! Well maybe it is citystupid$hit.com?? Except most all my views, at least...
He is correct in that if you thought and expected that SS income upon retirement was all you need you are sadly mistaken. I fully expect my SS...
No One?? Oh, forgot we are living in your world of warped one sided justice. Will we soon see a graph depicting that, I'm sure!!
Did you read the transcripts? Should he have brought charges? There was plenty of evidence that he could have and maybe should have. Just...
I wonder how many of you making comments actually watched the hearing or went to your website of choice and read their take? I watched up until...
I would encourage you to not engage with gatorjo, upwards to 95% that it is a bot!!
I understand what you are saying and based on what you like, search etc... it will give you more like that. But the algorithm is also capable of...
And to think any of us that question the honesty or anything about the J6 committee are not patriots and do not care this country.