LOL. Some of us suffer from premature ejaculation.
Rumors up here is that despite the CBs to Clemson, the Gators have a shot. Prep Teammates, Gators Targets Set July 15 Commitment Date - Sports...
I hope you are right. We need him.
A lot of CBs to Clemson.
Looks like we just whiffed on Westphal (Clemson). With the change in defensive coordinators (a solid move), is it time for Billy to ask why our...
Go get 'em.
Bol's antics is yet another example of why Billy D. went to the pros. Of course, back then, the payments were under the table. What a $hit show.
He could have committed but, the train left the station. Too many kids and their parents think only they have the power to play games with the...
I was wrong. After posting Showtime for week one in June, I posted a concern about out of state players returning home without committing. Mea...
Billy has become Lane's DADDY!
McCray coming?
Finally. We are the lead.
An outstanding weekend of recruiting and the Gators' success is being ignored. Hmmmm... a little bias kicking in? Go Gators.
Another home run! Congrats to coach Jay and the staff!
Awesome day. Congrats to Billy and the staff. Well done!
Why was he left in? Inexcusable.
Sproat should have been taken out with two men on and no outs. Everyone agreed at the bar when I called it. Bad coaching decision.
ink, post: 15222277, member: 23601"]Promise?
Have.... Depressing.