Crazy how three Heisman winners from UF have had less NFL success than a single one that transferred.
I do recall, I was excited when I thought Tebow would be in the NFL with a spread option coach. Do not follow the NFL enough to recall why Tim...
The way Spurrier left USCe should be enough proof he is not going to come back and rebuild Florida.
With all the suspension BS, the step back on the defense this year, I really cannot see Stricklin telling Kelly no deal unless we keep this guy or...
Why would any current members of the staff be retained?
Missed 1000. Also missed what ever news made the title change, was there something more than Frost winning vs USF? (edit - is it more than the...
Happy Thanks Giving, fellow Gator Fans! something for the boredom [media] for those of you that prefer the cliff notes version [media]
The in-n-out that was in downtown Gainesville was really, really bad.
so your opinion has shifted?
Guessing it wasn't about turkey cooking methods
I remember the Chili Peppers , attempting to play the Orange and Blue. Was shut down by Fire Marshall because place was way over code limits,...
It was pretty big, not sure about north edge of town, guess that is perspective. North of campus, but not so much if you lived off 39th ave
Looks like a nice set up. I have been looking into upgrading to a BGE
Any one remember Club Demolition on 13th st, not sure it lasted more than a summer (1990/91 ish). But do remember Fugazi killing it there.
after being tricked (2x) into clicking links that link to the, not to be name here page. I was a bit skeptical clicking on a link that said naked...
The Hard Back next to the Hippodrome was the spot for me.
I can agree with that logic
We are really all just discussing our cooking plans,to prepare us for tomorrows topic. "What will Chip Kelly be eating on Thanks Giving"