Fan of the portal. Can help with depth, bridge a gap bringing in a vet, or just upgrade a position really quickly. It's better to build your...
Was expecting that chart to look a lot worse honestly. Hopefully this is the last time the roster is this slim
Wished there was another receiver coming early.... getting guys in early at OL/DLine/Secondary is huge. Need contributions at all three positions
Great question. In the recent era... could be one team out there. Clemson with Watson maybe
The same. 3 years give somewhat of an indicator of the coach/program direction. Especially for CBN... by year 3, majority of the players of the...
Having overall "better" will overcome a lot of mistakes in college football. Had this same argument on another platform. Folks point & stars to...
This season was going a little bit better... until these last 2 weeks. I truly checked out Last year. Based on attrition, most of the players will...
Two issues. Qb accuracy on short & intermediate throws. And it's never blocked well enough to keep calling it.
Not really a fan of either programs..... but it's something about Michigan that I just don't like. I'll be rooting for Ohio
Maaaan.... Wtf we're they doing in the 3rd... I'm like run the ball, you clearly see #15 struggling, and we killing their defense. Especially...
Those 2 scrambles on 3rd down were facking brutal. Make a play on either one of those & it's a different ball game.
Early morning business trip...... Dominant LoS, DO NOT turn the football over, and do fall into the trap before fsu. We all know Vandy Hulks up a...
The Biloxi Coast... the ONLY part of Mississippi I would ever living at again
About where I expected.... I'd love to have a few plays back, but that's every season for me. Coach has done a nice job in the locker room, these...
Uhhhhhh.... Florence is pretty Nice. And South of The Border
I don't understand either. LSU had a coaching issue (2019 is the exception), not a talent issue. Especially on offense. I'll take the wr room...
Not a big fan of Danielson recently... but he said it best, been a week of tenn no longer be the hunter. Or underdog. Probably took the rat poison...
Don't want uga anywhere near Da Playoff... need tenn to take this game
Played like their hair was on fire, especially the pass rush. That QB was shooketh
Really good win... think the we all needed that. CBN got a lil cute In the 4th, wanted to run the football down their throat, but whatever. Lol