in his confused state, he took the blue pills instead
outstanding episode. I haven’t seen it in a while - hopefully it’s up in the syndication rotation again soon
Wish they’d get this damned thing started. King of the Hill comes on soon and I’d like to assess Biden’s vitality before turning the channel to...
someone needs to get out there with some white paint and put quotation marks around “free”
IMO this likely has something to do with polling coming out today seeming to show Harris doing better against Trump than Biden
that must be excruciating for them
Private industry clients will be happy. The Trump-Barr DOJ was laughably incompetent. If he’s planning to hire a similar caliber of talent...
lol. Of course he is.
Let them destroy themselves. It may take a while but it’s going to happen.
Bwahaha. . . Hahaha. . . Haha
I wouldn’t cross the street to piss in his mouth while he chokes on hot coals. Whatever bad happens to that dude in this life or the next has...
We might not know until the next album
lol. No, I got into this thread to point out your incorrect summary of the attorney client privilege. I couldn’t care less about the Steele...
I don’t understand why you think that something that is political opposition research is inherently not eligible for the attorney client...
again, we don’t know. It could be both.
again, I don’t know exactly, because I’m not privy to any discussions on f strategy between the campaign and their legal team. But one...
I think neither of us know that because any strategy conversations would themselves be privileged. But I think you’d have a hard time convincing...
I don’t know. Any communications on that point were probably also privileged. But this question is beside my point.
the privilege protects all communications made for the purpose of seeking or rendering legal advice, subject to certain exceptions like the...
this seems to imply a misunderstanding of the attorney-client privilege