Jerry Springer recorded at a wal mart
They both have imperial ambitions ( Canada, Greenland, Panama Canal, Gaza).
Drifters gonna grift.
The gop won't go for that. Hence the one state thing.
Colorado and new Mexico wouldn't be happy.
It would serve maga man right if presided over the break up of the union. Make Amerca great again indeed. :rolleyes:
red state
It only applies to speech they approve of.
Those words are the spice that turns an otherwise bland stew into something more interesting.
Biden's fault, next.
Cut unemployment, food stamps, and any other programs that may help those who are losing their jobs ( federal and otherwise). Makes one wonder...
I'm sure the p25 folks have a plan for transgender peeps. I'm sure it won't be pretty.
Oh the horrors! Repurposing an old mine as a storage facility. What is the world coming to?
If a mass shooting was stopped, that is a good thing. Far too many of these horrific events as it is.
say it ain't so!
I can also see him calling out a j 6'er or several at the state of the union in march. Thunderous applause from some of the same scumbags who were...
So maybe a fire sale? sell everything off so he and his cronies can walk away with tons of cashish. btw when does Pootie plant a bug his ear about...
So maga rallies at the Kennedy Center. Perfect. Think of the ratings. Maybe they can invite the guy with the horned hat from j 6 as a guest of honor.
They will just bring in kid rock, snoop dog, and other maga artists.