I doubt she ever will. I would imagine that any medical professional who performs abortions will avoid states that want to execute them.
Blasphemy. Put them out of business immediately. Lock them up. Did I get that right?
Along with king, emperor, orange god, cheetolini, mango mussulini etc
Yep, plus a common interest in " traditional" fundamentalist "values'. Quite the bromance between the maga/gop and mother russia. Reagan is...
Yep,, the end justifies the means. They'll just blame the consequences on the deep state and the dem party.
The end justifies the means. One of the central tenets of the maga movement.
Northern states should have been compelled to return escaped slaves to the south too right?
ergo lgbtq people are all dangerous, did I get that right?
" checks and balances" how quaint. ;(
Extraditions are not automatic. There are many reasons why an extradition is either approved or denied. Has the local televangelist issued a...
So this fascist in in favor of rounding up women who get abortions and the medical staff who perform the procedure and shipping to places where...
That will never happen. If any changes are to occur it won't include the gop. They are fully committed to the emperor.
Yeah, we should have allied ourselves with Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan too. Who dresses you in the morning?
Saying it out loud now. Above the law, sort of like a king or an emperor. Exactly what the framers had in mind.:rolleyes:. Also a dog whistle to...
Plus our word and our reputation doesn't mean squat if we act this way. History is a long story, we may need them someday.
Yet somehow Canada is the problem.
No. The gop is a lost cause.
They want to sell it all off.
Like a pilot crashing a plane. We're the passengers
@uftaipan: standing by your assertion that nato won't splinter? It is a matter of time. Even if Trump doesn't formally withdraw the US from NATO,...