All that are missing are the posters, PSA's, and video boards telling us all that " Russia is our friend and all will be well".
Do kids still chase around the mosquito fogging trucks?
Park Rangers are law enforcement officers.
FAKE NEWS! . Everyone knows he is the most popular leader in human history. I'm sure the project 25 people have factored all that in and have...
Plus if they are even more understaffed, it increases the risk of yahoos trashing them. Rangers are not just greeters and tour guides, they are...
Regardless of who the potus is, you want independent IG's as a watchdog, not sycophants who will look the other way if irregularities occur. To...
If the executive has the exclusive right to determine what is legal and what is not, then what do we need the judiciary for? There were three co...
Yep, Russia wants a puppet government in Kyiv. Either by force or if they can get one elected. Ukraine had a pro Russian leader in the past. When...
Do we even know who the pilots were yet? Even if they were female or people of color are we really going to pin this incident on that? good grief.
Those people are lucky to be alive.
That's assuming there will be a dem admin.
Trump admires Putin and has said so. He'd like to have Putin's kind of power here and his team is working feverishly to give that to him.
That's the plan
Exactly what the founders had in mind, right? We have an emperor.
Oh I'm sure there is some fine print somewhere in Project 2025 about addressing that. Turning in your neighbors, friends, co workers or anyone...
This is what the gop wants. He'll just fire anyone who does not follow his orders. When push comes to shove that includes the military.
Plus a small sample size. 7.4 million people in AZ.
Wouldn't this be a job for RFK,jr?
Just not worth it. Taking a hiatus until prices come down.