For a fee of course. gotta line some pockets, right? Besides, we the taxpayers pay for the weather satellites, balloons, and meteorologists who...
Where do you think those apps get their info?
Project 25 wants to eliminate the national weather service and the national hurricane center.
Off topic but Reagan would have no chance in today's GOP either.
Threatening Arab states may just drive them into the arms of China or Russia. That is clearly not in our interests, but here we are.
The gop house and senate will never impeach him under any circumstances. Under the scenario you laid out: we have our first emperor.
Cut the emperor some slack. At least he wants to just cleanse them from the area instead of gassing them. :rolleyes:
Maybe he can get a pardon if he kisses enough orange ass.
As long as you can drive your lifted truck to wal mart to buy maga flags and ammo and go shoot up a school, who cares? right?
So when will google maps depict Greenland, Canada, the Panama Canal, and Gaza as US territory? That will warm the cockles of dear leader's heart.
Inflation! Winning! :rolleyes:
Why draw a distinction between his rabid supporters and his enablers? The outcome is the same. Being an enabler no longer gives you a free pass.
Our democracy always prevails, until it doesn't. Once it's gone, it is nearly impossible to bring it back.
Yes, all hail our first emperor: Donaldus I. I actually pity you for your blind worship of him. Are you ok with him ignoring court rulings? btw,...
When are the parades to celebrate his Imperial conquests?
Out with a whimper, not a bang.
Gives the Chinese 7 years to aim it at us.
We would have an emperor at that point.
Sets one hell of a precedent that following court orders is optional. Shouldn't that apply to all of us, or just to some of us?