Nature abhors a vacuum. We isolate and retreat, those who despise us will be overjoyed to fill the void we leave behind. Apparently many are...
But threats toward gop officials who don't sufficiently kiss Trump's ass are ok.... gotcha.
as half the country cheers him on
" Biden's fault" " fake news" " deep state"
I just hope we beat Miami.
That and the first emperor in a chain installs themselves.
I don't think they care about poll ratings at this point. Too drunk with power they never intend to cede.
translation: blah blah blah blah and no one is a bigger victim that your orange god
Would you bet your mortgage or retirement account on Trump honoring article 5 if a NATO member is attacked? They can't count on us any more. Our...
Ruling by decree, just like the founders intended. :rolleyes:
Drunk with power. Half the country cheering them on as they trash it.
Still waiting on that check from soros :rolleyes:
1984 Quotes by George Orwell
1. Defining what constitutes " mental illness". The Soviet Union was notorious for classifying anyone who disagreed with the party as mentally...
Not into your "alternative facts"
When do the book burnings begin?
Put a fork in nato. Thanks gop. He'll fire anyone who resists or tries to talk him out of it. Putin's wet dream come true. This does not make us...
modern day brownshirts?
What a great precedent to set. You only get help if the potus you voted for is in office. Perhaps CA should just keep all that $$ they send to the...