Did you bother to watch the video? From October 2020, he says these stocks are unhinged from earnings, won’t last forever, and are buys until we...
Have you not read the two threads below that start with Cheney and Carlson? 14 pages of examples for you.
I’ve been very happy with Schwab. I’m sure Fidelity is great as well. Please stay away from leveraged ETFs. They erode over time. They should...
Thought the conversation on the timing of the second shot was note worthy for parents with kids getting vaccinated. Parents Grapple With How...
I just took a quick look at some bond ETFs. Unfortunately yields are very low on these. If interest rates ever go up these would be much more...
Thanks for the discussion on shiba, I averaged in a little and glad I did.
Thanks for the response. If you were in T for mainly the higher yield then I think it makes sense to trim some and add to something else. But I...
No, not really. It’s one I’ve been back and forth on. I think it looks pretty fairly valued at the moment so if oil prices hold steady I think...
I would also like to give a recommendation to my good friend who is a money manager and recently started his own firm in the Tampa area. His main...
Here are some dividend stocks that I feel comfortable recommending. Please let me know if you have any questions about a specific company, or if...
One of World’s Greatest Hidden Fortunes Is Wiped Out in Days
I just threw together a list of dividend and value ETFs for my uncle that likes to jump in and out of the market. The idea is to provide him with...
My kids play Roblox all day. So I definitely bought them and myself some shares. It's an interesting game. Many games within the game, like a...
A couple weeks ago I typed up a text for a friend interested in starting an investment account and interested in clean energy stocks. I figured...
One of my biggest questions is why the capitol police were using clubs and not guns? The whole thing is so crazy.
A reporter on CNBC just said that Pfizer’s goal is to have a vaccine available to every American who wants one by June of next year.
Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine: Early analysis shows it's 90% effective, company says - CNN
PFE Pfizer and BioNTech (BNTX) announce vaccine candidate against COVID-19 achieved success in first interim analysis from Phase 3 study (36.40 )...