That would be pitching though... right?
We would have swung away at that one...
Off. Waaay off.
98 pitches. Can he go 150?
Sprout not settled. Get him out b4 things get real ugly. We aren't hitting so it's magnified. Hurry
They are lighting sproat up like a little league party night. 7 hits. Do we stay with this and up the percentages of losing 1st game or try...
Usc wants to play ball and we're taking a little nappy nap in our home bed... have we ever played in this park??
...who come from up NORTH (but yeah I get your drift)
Good thing they hid this shatshow on a Thursday night. Others just chuckle over how bad we have become. Thanks for not having this on the weekend...
Dean special.
No words.
Miller is SO SLOW!!
We blocked our own punt...
We've wasted so much time getting this ball in.... expected I guess
What to do? AR is out of it. Does Nape have the balls to end this before we go down in flames? Hard choice but have to and should win this game....
Ugh AR seems down. 2 horrible throws. Why are we throwing??!!
Someone called time out. Nape is pissed. We don't call tos! (Really a bad decision)
Awe. Said like a true null. Watch the names brother
There he is. You can put your glitter on and get in line:cool: