Thank you Mertz!
Well that ball was out..
Gotta tell them when we get close they are supposed to go down immediately...we don't do the tackling thing
Well we don't coach special teams so there's that
Too easy. D now is disappearing. We just can't play both sides..
Running to open pass...brilliant!
RUN the freaking ball!!!
Idiotic play calls. Its like we don't plan at all. We waste more time right before half. Our ol certainly doesn't help at all
Here comes shraeder...
Call some plays. Run the ball. Offense. Offense. Come on!
Really offense...Wow. ugh
And we skip the run and offense takes defenses place...thanks crawshaw...
Wow a little bit of defense. Yay!
Why don't we tackle...
D took a nappy nap at halftime ...
Mertz misses a 2 yd pass... abandon the run!!!!
When we muck it up, WE MUCK it up!
Travis is a whiner extrordinaire!