I have dreams where I can't make a layup lol - that's the last posession
5 misses within 2 feet
And turns the ball over 50% of the time
Kugel is just ...I mean
The zebras the last 2 games - It's like a fix is in - it's abhorrent, if we are anywhere near the play it's a foul Case in point lol the foul on...
Benedict Arnold of Gator lore forever!!!
This is how I see it as well - or he clouds flip to DJ mid year if we start slow otherwise he may never have DJ as his starter if we go 5-7 next...
I fired Napier 3 hours ago but if he can land Mincey to replace Filsaime welcome back!!! if we could've kept X dang 3 super elite players at...
Napier should just resign in his post NSD presser
#3 to #13 Are they factoring in keeping DJ and LJ ?
So basically - all of the dream flips/ close rumors were false and we are going to lose arguably our top get in Mcray, lose Williams and not flip...
It's not typically ideal...but the way this kid has progressed his senior year he looks remarkable. I get he plays against lower competition at...
I thought Mullens guy was really good
Feel like there is a "hoop shizz " every year - makes predictions that are probable is right about 70% and claims to have inside info for clicks
Long ass arms
Sorry fixed it a bit
I know Jean got injured ...but Mizell really never saw the field ? TWIII was incredible but could the trio make an impact with Boardingham and a...
As the OP lol- looking at our 24 schedule we might need to forward this blueprint to BN He needs to buy 6-8 of the nastiest OL and DL he can find...
It's what we were before Spurrier - pockets of success , mostly average maybe even loved our Gators in a more pure way less dependent on results...
Is Hayes also the guy Urban went after back in Day? Lol he's on 1010 XL daily - he uses hyperbole to the max , BUT- I can't say his points on...