His lack of knowledge about our history as a nation is a crushing indictment of Christian elementary and high school education. Doesn’t even know...
Somebody call a whaaaabulance! American voters drove over republicans Christo fascist ideals and backed up.
1) No one is killing babies. 2) who says their aren’t consequences to sex? They range from waking up rolling over and thinking “oh man what have...
CNN notes that DemoncRATS are leading in 53 of the House races in VA. 51 needed for control. That’s a pick up if it happens and give legislative...
Bashear speaking now. Think Dems have finally found a young POTUS candidate for the future be it 28 or 32. Charismatic well spoken, appeals to...
More good news from Virginia. [MEDIA]
The hubris of Christo Fascists and the SCOUS has been laid to waste. The right to privacy is coveted by Americans.
Abortion vote about to go six for six. America is a pro choice country. Interested to see how the Christo fascists in the Supreme Court and...
Apparently he’s known to be a very unlikeable person. Even his staff hates him. He’s no Matt Bevin!
Do you consume any news at all? Pretty sure even Faux News had to carry it.
He’s 99% money in his calls. Good news!
A new scandal. Like Trump DeSatan lies about his height. Trump just lies and doesn’t care about the absurdity when he stands next to people of...
Josh MacDaniels is available. Don’t think he’ll be a HC again. What’s the pay differential between a OC in the anFL and top level OC in CFB...
Oh yeah. Once I saw his pic and got some details on his prior statements I instantly recognized it..
Oh he wasn’t. LOL they get caught in lies so easily…
Think he’s talking about NVDA. Which has also done wonderful thing to my portfolio.
This clown is pathetic and a Nat security risk? Mike Johnson tries to scrub social media of adult content monitor he shared with his son
I’m calling BS on this. Smells like reports of a mass produced Cyber Truck…
There’s that MAGA projection again. But you shouldn’t laugh at your ilk you might find yourself bereft of friends.