I agree with most of your posts and while impacts from supply chain disruptions out of the pandemic (now in the rear view mirror) are certainly...
Don’t confuse him.
Yes awesomely cringe worthy. Also I just re-upped Netflix and binged “Bodies”. I can’t begin to describe it in detail but it’s about the same...
Better do it soon before this country is completely lost. I’m 90% certain I’m going to have to leave this shit show in the near future.
Another reminder that Niki Hayley is a deeply unserious person.
I think I read something a few years ago that scientists wanted to drill around the caldera to take readings (not to release pressure LOL) but...
Don’t be Qabsurd…
Given prior PF on Oline I’ll allow it.
Apparently this has been brewing for a while… From 2017...
According to nature shows I sometimes watch on PBS they just push them over.
Not just a life a baby! I mean if someone murdered a baby I think a reasonable person would demand they’d get thrown in jail for a long time....
I see your confusion you constantly try to be clever. People who respond to you don’t. About time to put back on ignore. Not seeing any post of...
Inane and idiocy. I’ll add it to list of words you don’t know the meaning of Sadly not entertaining.
You keep using the word baby. You don’t know what it means. Troubling.
I could show you but I am pretty sure I’d get flicked…
Nope. You can’t make me:):monkey:
His OP? All of the others? It’s not not particularly insulting IMO but then again I post with one hand tied behind my back.
Is this post a joke?
I would not good anything that contains the word delights…. But heck you can get high end girls on Instragram and Twitter (er X). If that’s your jam.
In my experience republicans have been revolting since the days of Lee Atwater and Rush Slimebaugh. Can’t speak to the 70’s as I wasn’t...