The top half of our lineup is so deadly.
This announcer is annoying. Hyperbole on every pitch.
FSU is predicting Rothrock's pitches.
Not sure why Erickson didn't throw to third there.
Ugh, frustrating inning. Got three straight 3-0 counts but couldn’t get anyone on base.
Interesting decision to give the greenlight to Goddard on 3-0. That was probably ball 4.
Damn, THIS close to being Mia’s biggest hit of the season. Was kind of hoping Walton would do a fake steal to 2nd to try to get that runner on...
Waste of time. Not even close.
This Georgia team is in for a rude awakening in the post season when these balls don't fly out of the ballpark.
Man, Walton really does not want to go to anyone else besides Rothrock and Brown (maybe for good reason), but Ava is clearly done for the day.
Yikes, that was like a slow pitch by Ava.
We’re putting on a baserunning clinic - regular steals, delayed steals, double steals, fake steal to bring home the runner on third, aggressively...
You have a 3-0 lead, Keagan. Throw strikes!
Miller should not have been out there that long. But I guess there's no one left behind her and you can't really waste innings with Rothrock at...
Yikes, worst inning of the season. Maybe Walton was right that it's Rothrock/Brown or bust. Miller is not ready for primetime and Wooten is just...
A couple of uncharacteristic errors for Kistler this inning.
Are you kidding me? 4 double plays in 4 innings.
Hell yeah, way to fight back to tie the game!
What is with the lack of replays on close plays at home?
I think Erickson could have scored there. Base running decisions cost us a few runs there.