Poster is complaining it's another useless thread and about divisiveness yet tells Libs they "need a Safe-Space to hide in.." Perhaps a more adult...
Most people outgrow dichotomous thinking near puberty. " The impacts of dichotomous thinking Thinking only of success or total failure can lead...
But remember that Regan was a huge RHINO. LOL
Sadly unlike this poster I understand that a football game loss IS different. Poster should enjoy his W vs the libbies and go away.
Additionally, many red states have large agricultural interests that are certain to be overrun with immigrants. Got get them and put the employers...
When the gators beat SCar by two did you claim they were beaten "soundly". When they lost to MIzz, did you claim the Gators were soundly beaten....
Odd how poster doesn't refute the actual %. Guess the fact remains.
The mental gymnastics required to proclaim a 1.7% win as "soundly rejected" is astonishing.
Of course 14% doesn't seem totally unreasonable unless you view it more correctly as about 50% more promises broken.
Well that one certainly didn't go as 51 had planned. LOL
There's obviously pressure on the native populations of cats and dogs in Chicago..... the felon can save them!!
Perhaps this signals that the rules have changed and you are free to use group insults just as the above poster does?
In before the maggats claim the economy was so robust because the felon was a candidate for office! LOL
Jean Carroll is wondering what the felon's political motivation was. Are you kidding. What do you suppose the felon's political motivation was to...
Note that only about 8% including the felon in (soon) the WH have a felony record.
Now to be fair the felon has concepts .... I think.
With fiscal responsibility apparently not a concern of either party at this time, the felon's despicable character made it very easy this election...
For me it was the culmination of Tea Party to the felon and then the total abandonment of fiscal responsibility. Fiscal conservatism ( or the...
But those court cases and audits were just facts and evidence and actual reality whereas our mod has his opinion and narrative based on nothing...
Biden wrongly gets the blame for inflation after the pandemic.