MSN Alarming that even in second term, felon and staff can't get it right, bypassing all clearance protocols. Afterall it's only the top secrets...
Would the name Hunter ring a bell? SMH Tell Comer and Gym.
Poster No that is not the ruling of the USSC. The Supreme Court dicta implies it but Federal courts have ruled that it does not imply guilt and...
Yes, we listened. It was rambling, disjointed, and demented. But poster is correct it was talking. LOL
It seems this board is devolving into a designated fact-free zone. Wonder it that is as planned?
Poster is wrong, it seems willfully, which then would cross into purposely lying. Not sure which right wing joke of an excuse for media he uses...
Again with the ad hominem. I suppose it worked for poster in 4th grade.... whine louder and maybe you'll get your way. That likely worked in 4th...
Don't have to wait 4 years. The felon pardoned numerous allied criminals his first term..... Bannon, Manafort, etc and has now pardoned about 1500...
Oh my, an emotional ad hominem attack. If you were a Democrat that could get you in trouble with our mod. Perhaps poster is not compensating and...
Please note OP stated Biden gave death row pardons. I asked for evidence as it was something I was unaware of. No evidence has been produced so...
So BLM and Antifa assaulting and beating LEO is not a problem and poster would be fine with a pardon for them. Cons sure love the Blue.
Have to wonder just how much this poster has to compensate. Hint: read something pertinent, make a lucid comment in a discussion. Might enjoy it.
Must be a drive-by-troll poster or similar?
I'm thinking it is compensating for lack of understanding any aspects of the various discussions, thus not being able to respond with any...
Please link any evidence of death row pardons.... even from right-wing rags.
Still day one and just like arranging the release of 2000-3000 Taliban terrorists, the felon is planning the release of 1500 criminals in our...
Just wondering... would insurrectionists, seditionists, or people who assault LEO be considered as "bad characters" by maggats?
That would be an interesting explanation. it might rival his explanation of the "patriotic" gesture from Musk.
Musk is likely going to get in trouble for jumping the gun a bit too soon with his "Sieg Heil" salute at the post Inauguration. "Right-wing...
Just checking in to see if the felon has ended the Ukraine war yet. Will that be by truce or treaty ? Is the announcement going to be EDT or PDT?...