Amen. Once again, Skink is speaking the truth with wisdom and a mature perspective.
Is it too late to weigh in on this? :-)
There are a lot of ways the wheat is separated from the tares. Depth of character, skill, potential, and now, of course, motive$. I’m glad the...
Skink bringing the truth.
Thank you for this. His comment was not only off base, it was hostile. I know I’m not the only one who is weary of the incessant shots some folks...
I posted this on another thread, too… If you’re able to get it, read the front page article in today’s Atlanta Journal/Constitution about the...
If you’re able to get it, read the front page article in today’s Atlanta Journal/Constitution about the “reckless culture” at uga. I will continue...
Do you object to people on this forum asking for prayer…which many have? Oh…and I absolutely don’t assume all fans are Christian. In fact, I...
You could have simply stopped reading. I’m guessing the three Gator Heisman winning QBs who were all preachers kids were ok with it.
What makes you remotely qualified to draw that conclusion?
Napier does not have a target on his back. I do realize some fans wish that were the case; which I think is ridiculous.
“Damned if you do; dammed if you don’t.”
Just read this. Post of the year.
Gators up at halftime…great play calling by Napier (the commentators commented on that, too…young—-very young—-Gator team playing with energy…and...
Georgia Bulldogs : Should Fans Be Impatient with Kirby Smart? by Kit Anderson 306w ago f Georgia Bulldog's Head Coach Kirby Smart has already lost...
He had more talent, too. One is very much like the other. We can agree to disagree.
Kirby Smart’s uga lost to Vandy, in Athens, his first year as head coach.
That Napier and his staff are able to get this kind of effort from this team (there’s no denying the talent and depth differential between the...