Then again maybe he will. The logistics of transporting prisoners on planes is utterly fascinating – SANspotter
She already did. Oh wait. [MEDIA]
Never lose your temper. If your head comes away from your neck, it's over. [MEDIA]
Democrats farts are known to cause global warming.
For whatever it's worth, the only reason I said anything is because he used that particular spelling. If he'd said "mula", for instance, I...
I don't usually correct grammar/spelling but, in this case, it actually changes the meaning of your post. Mullah - Wikipedia Slang terms for...
Last time I checked, it wasn't old Macdonald who clucked or mooed it was the farm animals. So, yeah, it's confirmed alright.
Or maybe you don't since you actually got the analogy backwards.
I appreciate you answering my questions earlier. Perhaps I misread you but it didn't seem to me like were just trying to answer questions. I...
I don't know. The thing is Desantis had/has a ton of credibility with Republicans on the Covid question and he was pro-vax. Kristi Noem also had...
Trump was pro-vax back in 2021 and, lest we forget, he actually takes credit for the vaccine. As far as I know he's actually still pro-vax....
You mean what does the historical track record of rushed vaccines have to do with a rushed vaccine? Political? Who were the big name...
Ok, I appreciate you taking the time to answer those questions. The only thing I'm going to say is that, in general, I don't think anyone is a...
If you are citing the fact as a reason for someone to get the shot then I, personally, would call that pro-vax argument but, if you want to call...
I haven't really followed the too hot covid/vax debates very closely so this is a question not an argument. I'm sure there are nuances within...
Biblically, you're supposed to cut the giant's head off with his own sword after shooting him with a sling shot.
Heh, one should always ask followup questions when using Chatgpt. Not everyone in the militia brought their own personally owned firearm so the...
Me: During the american revolution did militia men bring their own weapons? Chatgpt: So, it seems likely to me that, when the constitution was...
The source is the aforementioned youtube channel in my first post on this thread. As noted, I'm simply relaying what he said. He may or may not...
I've already spent more time on this thread than I intended to but I got sucked in. I learned long time ago to not make absolute statements about...