So, if those laws are declared unconsitutional then what happens? Does Reedy Creek get restored or is there no special district at all?
Did Disney's federal suit ask for DeSantis to be removed from office/punished or did it ask for all of their "illegal" deals/relationships to be...
I don't understand why it wouldn't be relevant. If Disney was doing something illegal, does the state of Florida have to wait until someone who...
First off, I understand that and just, so we're clear, my other post was not intended as a shot the OP. The point is that there are plenty of...
So, just to clarify, are you saying that Disney/Reedy Creek weren't involved in anything illegal(I forget the legal term. Collusion doesn't sound...
Aren't Reedy Creek and Disney supposed to be separate entities? My understanding is that they are legally required to keep a certain amount of...
First off, let's note that this thread wasn't started by a man and that there are, in fact, plenty of women who have a problem with the Taylor...
That's an interesting choice of songs. My guess would be that Taylor hasn't told him any stories about free milk and a cow.
Thanks for posting this, twitter links are blocked by my browser. I'm not going to respond to the whole thing, though there were a lot of...
Just to clarify, are you asking if capitalism causes moral decline and, if so, to what degree?
Can't argue with the historical stuff but I do have to disagree with you on the moral question. Once you get rid of God, you have now...
I'm sure that's what Santa was thinking when he asked but then he discovered that demoting a minority employee is a very good way to get sued....
Just so we're on the same page, let's read your question again. Having now read the first three commandments, would you care to rephrase the...
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt didn't want to assume you'd ask a question like that without actually reading the 10 commandments first.
Is this a serious question? If so, then go look up Commandments 1-3.
Or maybe scientists have just been wrong or flat out lied a few times too often. Big Science is broken
My favorite is "You're gonna buy my chicken oooh!"
I suspect that the pentavirate will/would benefit. [MEDIA]