I didn't say eliminate them I would certainly downsize them considerably. The post office, if I remember correctly, is actually written in to the...
As I've already said, my recommendation would be get rid of them and don't replace them. Having said that, if you, as a politician, replace...
So, EVERY issue needs to be decided by the governent. And not just any government they all need to be decided by the FEDERAL government. Is that...
Bluster is all you've got. Not surprising.
I assume SC is Supreme Court. I'm not sure about elections there are definitely ways to make it more accountable to the voters. I definitely...
The American Left: "Career bureaucrats shouldn't be answerable to the voters." Also the American Left: "Trumpublicans are trying to overthrow our...
If the comparison were just "not exact" I would've given it a pass. You can't just put all of that on Trump. Samuel's warning was just as valid...
That blog notably ignores a couple of fairly important facts. The Israelites didn't ask for Saul as their king they asked for a king and GOD...
You mean you DIDN'T know that?
Point is, it's possible that he'd be posting on a Gator board but not likely.
Barnes is a Vol fan.
In itself, it's not controversial but once you get past the most basic "Tebow good" and "Child abuse bad" level of discussion you're going to...
I assumed that "Jeffersonian Bible" referred to Thomas Jefferson's cut and paste edition of the the Gospels. If you were referring to something...
So, you're the arbiter of what parts of the New Testament are what Christ actually preached and what parts are not? You and Thomas Jefferson?...
I guess it depends on what you mean by persecution. Show me, in the New Testament, where Christians had a Jew stoned. After that, show me where...
A couple of things. First off, I agree with Q's "view of life" idea but I also think that it can come off sounding condescending when used in a...
In the Old Testament, God chose a nation, Israel, to be his people. The early history of Israel, in the book of Judges is repetitive cycles of...
I agree with you, to a large extent, about human nature. I would just add a quote from our founders "Only a virtuous people are capable of...