I saw the headline on the fart story. I can respect your position. Here's why I do consider it credible. The article is from 2019 so it's not...
The following article, from 2019, says that Haitians do indeed eat cats. Whether they're currently eating cats in Springfield, OH is, of course,...
So, you heard Trump say the word "immigrants"?
Let's make sure we're talking about the same quote. What did Trump say? His exact words.
Here's the original video starting a little bit before where the twitter post starts. Watch it and decide, for yourself whether it's really as...
He's a Gator and this is a Gator message board. I can see why people, on this board, might find the story interesting even if it doesn't change...
Tragic vs. Utopian View of Human Nature
Which brings us back to my original question. Personally, I think that conservatism is more than just a set of policy positions. I think that...
I listened to it for about a minute or so. Her voice isn't horrible but I didn't like the meter of the lyrics so I asked Chatgpt to analyze it....
This is not an official definition but I think it's an accurate description that many people would've agreed with in times past. The framers of...
Fair enough. I believe that most people view it exclusively as a score so I usually frame the question as or. So, since I assume you're not a...
I'm curious. Do you consider conservatism to be a score like say 5 points to the right if you favor free trade and 3 points to the left if you...
From Mona Charen's article: The woman who wrote the book on useful idiots has become a useful idiot. How ironic. Useful Idiots: How Liberals Got...
To me, the whole sports economy(not just college football) has looked like an economic bubble for over a decade. How much can prices for coaches,...
I've got an idea. Since you can't answer what I actually said, why don't you put words in my mouth and attack that? Oh wait.
The media isn't showing. I'll assume it's Trump. Let me know if it's not. Is there a prohibition now? I assumed it was still legal. In any...
So, a general state department policy trumps a court order? Is there something other Hillary's word to show that they actually were personal...
I can't make any promises so you might as well just get it over with.
I don't know if factcheck.org is "right wing" in your view or not. The FBI Files on Clinton's Emails - FactCheck.org From the article: So, she...
I didn't say they were guilty of crimes because they have not been convicted. Edit(poorly worded before):I said that they were never convicted...