Klemtock trying to make this interesting.
The two games so far today are on TNT. Why do they have announcers who work for ESPN?
The rout is back on.
I agree with you. But they will never sign off on that. They love their special treatment and their own pile of money.
I hate to be shallow but I'll never pull for Pedo State because of the whole JoePa Sandusky thing. Ha Where are the Irish? LOL
I'm watching on YouTubeTv but the picture quality is terrible.
Why is it that a player gets hurt, walks off the field and then they take an injury time out giving us 10 commercials. I noticed that in other games.
Great (gutsy) call on 4th and 1 for Ponies. It was open. You just have to execute.
Uga gets all the pretenders on their half of the bracket.... ND, Indiana, Pedo State, Boise State, SMU... Buttsniffers must be happy with that.
Roll tide roll. Out. LOL
Klemtock is going to win this game going away.
Now. Holly Rowe slobbering all over Georgia.
Etienne the hero.
Wow. Not so fast.
Sark to start drinking again.
That sneaky Kirby.
SECCG is a virtual home game for Jawja. Remember when they cried like babies that we had an unfair advantage because the cocktail party was so...
They broadcast the Cocktail Party.
Please don't give up garbage points to make the game seem closer.