Should have already happened.
Charlie Strong and AA is not an apples-to-apples comparison. CS was 45 y/o in 2007 with 20 years coaching experience, the previous 7 of which was...
BN should have fired AA and several assistants, PERIOD! It appears to me that BN didn't have the nuggets to fire AA. Instead, he chose to bring...
You're wrong but truth be known IDGAF what you think.
I personally deposited blood, sweat, and tears on both campuses. Thankfully the experiences resulted in numerous graduate degrees. Not to mention...
Agreed, but right now we're talking about the job of performing college football. I try not to say "play" or "game" anymore
He chose to quit his job and search for a new one.
College football is no longer a game it's a business. Businessmen must guard their skill-set. I hate it, ISWII
The very best should play. Loyalty went out window with the establishment of NIL and TP.
Agreed. Despite not liking to recruit SOS still produced a top 10 class annually.
And? These guys are now professional athletes. Nut up and earn your job. Roster spots are now jobs -- with huge earning potential, especially the...
You must have been a math major.
Two words. Green font.
Can we start with the head coach.
If I keep striking out I'm gonna try not to disclose my numerous plate appearances.
Are you sure we're not talking about the student loan program.
Those that bleed for a team have always been few and far between. With NIL and free agancy (calling it what is) the only kids that will bleed are...
The moderation on this site the past year has been WAY too strict.
Playing (even starting) a true freshman QB is not unheard of. I say feed him (DJL) the offense slow and steady. Build this young team with and...
Which of the four kids don't you think is cute?