A home run hire would definitely help. I hope some big boosters are already in lagways ear about what’s next.
I think it would be extremely difficult to keep Lagway and some of the current/incoming WRs with a new head coach. It almost seems as if players...
ESPN ripping into Billy right now on Get Up for going after his own fans.
This is looking like it could be a nice consolation
The weird thing is, the most passionate thing I’ve seen the man say was when he called the gator fanbase basement dwellers. Maybe if he had the...
Billy says hold my water bottle. And open it too if you don’t mind.
He’s aware of his buy out, I guarantee you that.
Somehow we are worse than last year. I don’t know how that’s possible but Napier found a way.
Shadeur is good but his receivers were always ten yards open. Let’s see how he does when they’re covered
There’s gotta be someone they can sue. Maybe Ireland?
Hope our dj is better than their dj
There’s no ‘d’ in ACC
FSU looks awful on d
Either fsu good or gt bad
They just showed a graphic on gameday that had the heisman odds. Cam ward was 4th.
It’s easy. If it’s working season, he’s working.
I can live with any of these scenarios
Lawrence wright major wright style
I guess we don’t really know but I’m used to seeing mostly positivity in the preseason so anything negative tends to make me worry. That being...