But the character would
About as weird as if he got up there and struggled to open a water bottle
Y’all aren’t trusting the process.
Why wait until tomorrow?
I mean, he’s trying. He made the basement comment. He wants his buyout but I suppose it’s not that simple. He has to make it appear like he’s trying.
Billy won’t fight to save his own life.
Let me know if he can open the water bottle this time.
Zero excuses. All on the coaching. Army of assistants? Process?
Buy once cry once.
Boardingham catches the ball and just steps out of bounds. Everyone just trying not to get hit. Florida is nothing more than a stepping stone to...
Zero fight in this team. A reflection of its coach
Softer than baby shit
Just getting bullied at this point. They’re teeing off
How can you be?
We had something to give us hope.
He seems to love what he’s doing
They keep saying Texas state is some people’s group of 5 playoff pick
Great game so far
I wonder who tamu prefer we start between Mertz and Lagway. If they get who they prefer, something is wrong with us.
Well, it definitely showed against Miami.