Just not sure how some of you are so calm and confident about CK at this juncture. Trust me, I hope you all are right and I do think there’s a...
*preparing to widen it per yahoo sports As we should be. If this isn’t done by Monday night, time to cut bait and offer Frost same deal and...
Knowing Stricklin, he has a contingency plan in place. If Kelly news isn’t made official on Sunday, he should offer the same deal to Frost and...
Any significant updates in past 4 hours?
I agree and to each their own, just seems like the tone of your post is that we struck out and it’s over.
So you’re already counting UF out of this thing?
I can find them near warm water of power plant this time of year, but yeah
So I didn’t catch any tarpon today. I do feel pretty good about CK though :)
I’m still sticking to my prediction that announcement will be made Sunday...
Welp, I’m going fishing gator bros. Maybe I’ll take my frustration out on a tarpon
Yea he seems very wishy washy. I’m starting to think he might not be the best fit for us. Who’s to say he doesn’t reconsider things every off...
So nobody knows where we can get a link to Randy Shannon PC? Just curious
Anyone have a link for that 11:15 PC?
It’s more than that. He constantly rips the fan base, paints the program in a bad light on national talk shows and goes out of his way to glorify...
Andy Staples is a gator hater. Take anything he says with a grain of salt
[media] Encouraging at least
You don’t know anything Ronnie. Shoot you don’t even know who Fuchs is
I’m gonna hold off on fishing until after the PC :p Something is up IMO
And not just yesterday, but weeks leading up to this. Everyone knew Mora was on the hot seat and that the position would open up.