my 28-10 gators victory prediction was pretty close, but yes i was hoping for a blowout win for the gators...
hey much of gator nation and nole nation by the way is in south or southwest florida. we don't care about this game?
well it's bedtime for me but only after i watch my local miami news station sportscaster cry about the hurricanes loss today. i will be having...
i would think the fsu announcers would at least acknowledge how terrible fsu was this year. i'll bet they're glad this season is over for them.
did not know this. i guess i should watch some games on the cw now and then
end of this game is reminiscent of michigan osu game earlier today without the police
wow last time fsu lost this many games in a season was in the pre-historic pre-bowden days...
i'll admit the noles qb is a baller but he is a fumbler!
beautiful td pass to finally bury them!!! that will negate the tv broadcast showing fsu students cheering their joke of a team
yes wrong score wrong year but still a disaster of a game lol
yes typing before thinking
that's right, thank you
never forget the 24-24 disaster against these same noles in 1993 that spurrier wishes he could have back was declined by the gators
just trying to say that it reminds me of spurrier's fun and gun offense, not that he is actually the coach. why did i get a come on man?
stupid late hit/personal foul on the qb!
93 yards 6 plays in 2:46 minutes . spurrier coaching behind the scenes??
and they did!!
wow beautiful run for TD