What if we talk to *you*? :)
Ohh....nope....that's just gas.....
Its a Monty Python reference. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirty_Hungarian_Phrasebook [media]
He's referring to the fact that the dude started the discussion by asking about it. Its confirmed on 136 though.
Im reminded of a Rodney Carrington song.
You are a gentleman and a scholar.
You wouldn't want to disappoint BenTrillGriffin would you, @icequeen ? After all he's done for sanity on this forum?
You cannot just throw that out there and expect no response. [IMG]
I don't believe you.
You were a teacher in the inner city for 20 years? Ya dun messed up A-A-Ron!
Aren't they all?
Thanks...friend says he's good with 21 years. :)
Poor judgement from some is not a binding requirement on others. :)
How many years? Asking for a friend.
More. Please. :)
He can make a hat...or a broach...or a pterodactyl....
Bristol, Tennessee.
Someone get that man a "Dilly Dilly!" :rolleyes::rolleyes:
FWIW, I read this in Grandpa Simpson's voice.