And like snowflakes, they generally feel nice on the tongue.
If we're going low, lets get Briles and be done with it.
650! For what its worth.
Thats about par for the course. Not surprised at all.
If we lose Chip, there will be an entire cascade of negative events that follow.
It really should have, IMHO. Not sure 'the system' is working as designed now. :(
Absolutely nothing.
Leave that alone! Its a very important work of art!
No they wouldn't! ;)
My faith has no bearing on where Manson's soul went.
Nick Delatorre's post on the insider forum.
Looking like a thread title downgrade may be warranted, @tilly . :(:(:(
Yes....I know it will be deleted...but I just couldn't resist counter-trolling. :) :) [IMG]
No....the plane might divert to Gville.
For @FutureGatorMom [IMG]
Do whatcha gotta do. Im pretty sure Dad, mac, and co can keep up. ;)
There are no words.......
@tilly , there might need to be some celebratory tatas posted once its announced....doncha think? ;)
That's the AD search committee.....