It died along with the boobs.
Nope. Nothing. Same as yesterday.
I don't even......some heavy autocorrect going on here.
[media]'re wearing that doorway out!
Ive tried it at Epcot. Every time I check to see if it still tastes as bad as I remember. It always does. Its funny to watch people trick their...
Thats because boobs are from the debil.
This. 1000x this. Remember Occam's Razor. The theory with the fewest assumptions should be the one selected. The reason we haven't announced him...
That question was already asked and answered on pg 136
Natural? Asking for that same friend.
Im pretty sure it was on 136 or 137.
FWIW, I believe flat_ronnie is a guy. No hard evidence to support that however. Just conjecture.
Unfortunately there's that vocal group of past their prime harridans who are bitter about their life choices and resent those who look better than...
There's only one solution....lift the boob ban and posting will take off. We'll be at 1000 by this time tomorrow. :)
Bless you and your dogged determination. :)
I don't think God particularly cares about the Gator coaching search.
Thats in England.... ;)
That would be an epic troll.
What, I thought we were in the trust tree in the nest, were we not?