Agree, Slick Scrotum appears to have played all the cards he has. So far, no info (publicly known) to indicate he has made major mistakes here....
Last tweet 48+ hrs ago?
At least for LDR I hope
Why didn't GC come up with this emoji for Nuss on 2nd down and 10?
This last round of messaging was so significant, so consistent from multiple sources, and so broadly spread that, failure to officially put it...
I think it is a coordinated message of "keep guessing" ... with a friendly nod to the flury of reports that all say it's CK. Confirmation without...
Hopin'. Beat UM with his OC.
Appreciate the candor. BTW, are you a member of Congress?
Anybody wanna take a stab at guessin' Slick's 140 characters when he breaks the si?
... and Tyler Furbush
I thought you told us that you only have one friend
Ditto. By all reports, looks like Slick pulled it off.
Chip wants to swing by and spend some pocket change on a mansion with a Thorougbred ranch.
You nailed it, wow
48 hrs since Spliff's last tweet.
You serious Clark?
You have only 1 friend in your entire home town? I fell better.
GA will be CK's bitch
If so, SS should grab it and run out of the room hollering