Admittedly the CBSSports article only sites undisclosed sources but it includes the following which has some ring from other chatter we've heard:...
Yup. We'll get it right before too long. We have a great combination of assets to make it catch fire when we do.
Is that a thing?
Yep. Would think that a coach's coach, a guy who is "all about football", would see it that way. We'll see.
Then why did CK open his crib for 6 suits from Gainesville Sunday?
Both of those were coaches that were "coming home" ... like Frost, like SOS.
Where's that kid Tyler (whose dad is on UAA Search Team) when we need him. Oh wait, he's the one who said "It's Done" Sunday.
No offense but might be overthinkin' this. Plenty of time. It's only Nov 22.
(1) Muschamp was a tough pill to swallow. Mac was a tough pill to swallow. Getting hammered by Michigan (twice) and GA was a tough pill to...
Wouldn't such contact conflict with the whole story (widely accepted by same posters) about the SF contract?
A/K/A Strong
Tyler was wrong, not our insiders :)
Well said. Two coaches have proven that the ingredients are here to win a Natty, do it with style, and be at the top of the college football food...
I don't fault folks for their own interpretation of the spotty info streams which everyone on a board like this to engage in some speculation....
I think Tom Petty made this point... The waiting is the hardest part Every day you see one more card You take it on faith, you take it to the...
Explains why Nebraska got snubbed. Their sponsors are Carhart and Duluth Trading Co. ?
From us
I'm tracking. This is a metaphor. You're telling us we should settle for a miniature version of Chip ... exactly like the real one but less? :)
Stop it with the flattery. Makin' me blush. :)