Data on funds to be spent on athletes pursuant to the settlement between the House and NCAA coupled with the antitrust litigation: NCAA Revenue...
Add to your list our strong 2025 RB and WC stables. If HBC will develop a coherent offensive scheme (preferably with an OC), Gators may have the...
Ha. 1. Easy with other people’s money. 2. How much confidence do you think boosters have in this administration’s ability to make more...
Agree damaged goods. Great coach. Not a great man. Not our guy. Yes, capable of winning (and probably winning big again if he set his mind to it...
CDM to Urbs: “We beatin em by 26”
Urbs beat em by 23. Top it, CDM.
CJ had good position but not ball awareness early enough.
Dean needs a lot of coaching this spring.
They will panic. Pick opportunities
Lotta things I remember about hot saturdays in the Swamp during the GH years. That wasn’t one of them. You’ve made the memory a bit worse.
Seminoles do it all the time. Seen it.
They’ll pick on him all day. Gotta get pressure on Patterson. ... Forcing us to sell out on blitz. Dangerous with their TE play waiting.
UM up 2-0 over UF ... one event was go carts, right? And the other was what?
(Schembechler had a winning record against the nuts)
Article from the homer site but shows how they’re sizing it up so far. Still no word on who else sits out. 5 Michigan players to watch for in...
Tinkers to Evers to Chance
Not much new analysis in the below Sporting News article, but this point is well taken: “Second-half scoring. In the last two meetings, Michigan...
Agree. Of course, we were more solid on the basics then. CDM 2.0 re-establishing that first. CDM 2.0 also dealing with a roster that does not...