Could we not of thrown at least one pass to the end zone with seven seconds left? Oh well, go gators 24-3
Put Lagway in and throw a bomb
Finally some emotion from Napier. I like it
Napier is so dumb… forgive me but my goodness, you have a chance to put a team away and this is the best you can do?
Darn… I guess it’s a 2-1 ration with Mertz and Lagway tonight
Please put Lagway back in
Lagway is just different, he has “it”
Well then I sure do hope I get to see you again tomorrow or monday.
I wished I sucked at my job so bad that I could get paid $27 million to leave.
Love this D, they making sure Napier is done
oh yeah, there’s still that….
it’s like watching a car wreck, tank can’t take my eyes away…glad they scored…can we stop them?????
Well, at least that streak will live
That #0 for A&M is good
Such a bad inaccurate throw lol
Mertz again… Why am I doing this to myself?
No way he makes it past tomorrow right?
So I’m guessing this is what “scared money” looks like.
This ain’t football anymore