going across the country yes its $$$$$
This seems like a $$$$$ issue to me. They had a huge recruiting weekend and I believed they flipped a DL from UGA as well.
how in the world id DUI a misdemeanor ? honest question.
ruh roh
True... but I'll bet a lot of them if not all would get a huge kick out of seeing their name in that game. It's iconic .
I am SHOCKED I tell you!
this would be a welcome addition
watched him and Jarvis Williams crush it for the Phins
the fact that he played as a freshmen gives me cause to believe he will improve drastically from year 1 to year 2
Blame it on the Aaaaaalchohol
agreed with everything except Howard I believe he will start with James and Robinson will get plenty of snaps, But PUP is a player
The D-line in ‘24 looking pretty good with Mcray, Robinson, Boreau
Who's next?...Turner?
Welcome to Gator Nation young man!