I don’t blame them. This would hurt to watch in person! Such a let down for an opener!
They’ll never expect that!
Might be bags for his transfer!
Are we starting to move the ball on their practice squad?
Post game with Billy should be special!
No discipline on defense
Maybe special teams should play the whole game, couldn’t turn out much worse!
I have to go with coaching or a lack of good coaching. He might recruit well, but the game day results are atrocious!
When the we are only able to stop ourselves, it’s not that surprising.
We don’t even have 9 catches!
I wish I had confidence in halftime adjustments, but we know how that story goes
How many bad throws and incompletions
Billy needs to hire an OC. He’s not good enough to manage and call plays. Has no moxy and is always calling everything vanilla
5 or 6 maybe
There was that run by Johnson and ????
Billy better give them a hell of a halftime talking to!
Safeties are lost out there
Defense is not playing well
Thank you !
Maybe special teams can do something, the rest of the team is not in the game.