That first trick play was fine and was about to be overcome until 76 got blown by….second one indefensible
reminds me of teams that used to try that and option plays vs Miami back in the day. Way too fast and tough for that
gotta run a better route too
frustrating part was when he had his ankles broken by a dude named Lad
To repeat myself, these plays look a lot like Miami is running with Tyreke
Dolphins fans recognize that first play
Having a hard time deciding which fan base I’d rather see devastated.
Unfortunately the shoe is one the other foot and UGA has their guy who wants to beat UF the same way Spurrier loved beating Georgia.
Watching game with WRVU synched and Kelly called the pass as soon as he saw the formation
terrible, been a networks. CBS mist have been interns today in Vandy-UGA
very difficult to throw behind the line of scrimmage to the tight end…too dangerous to throw downfield, might ruin completion percentage
just baffling that they had him second team to start the year
A few years go, Gameday was at the Army-Navy game and they dug up some archival footage from his Navy days. May get a little dusty. [MEDIA]
the broadcast graphic quoting HBC about hiring an OC while offense is struggling is a nice touch
Lol, that’s definitely a “glass half full” report bordering on propaganda
Yeah, national media will be working overtime tonight coming up with ways to discredit Tua
Favorite series was when Mertz completed passes on 1st and 2nd down, and we lined up for a 3rd and 11. That’s tough to do
not sure what they showed on tv, but doc clerked ACL and sent her immediately to locker room…comes out later with knee immobilized and...
Not going to watch 2nd half, but the game changed after that hit. Message as worth the 15 yards.
When Corso hangs it up, that will mark the end of the golden era of college football