Just a note on trade deficits and tariffs... You are right that broadly tariffed economies did poorly in the past and trade deficits are not...
I could definitely see Trump going that way, but Reagan said he was going to do the same thing following Bork and we got Kennedy. I think a lot...
I guess I wonder what the difference is between some generic conservative candidate and someone like Sotomayor, whose claim was to bring some...
How is congress insulated? You stated that they were closest to the people and therefore should most closely reflect their will. They could be...
But if democracy works, isn't congress sitting on its hands reflecting the will of the people?
A lot of the objections were to things he wrote or said and didn't line up with his judicial record. It's like the current argument that because...
Well Kennedy's speech was seen as a bit of an exaggeration to say the least. I guess you can draw some parallels with this confirmation since the...
Bork wasn't the first to be opposed and the nomination retracted though. The issue with him was the circus surrounding his confirmation and...
The numbers might have been escalated under Obama, but the precedent was set under Reid. He also removed the filibuster ("nuclear option") when...
I don't disagree that the Garland thing was a huge step in the wrong direction. I am just saying that it had its roots in the obstructions of the...
If the GOP holds the senate, there is no issue. They replace her. The "Biden/McConnell rule" only gets used when the other party controls the...
Harry Reid was holding up Bush's nominees in committee when they controlled the congress and later when they lost it, he was organizing...
There was nothing wrong with Garland and he would have easily been confirmed if it wasn't an election year. He was selected specifically because...
Same thing that the Democrats were screaming over Garland after they had shut down the appointment of Bush's federal court appointees and made a...
The Democratic politicians understood that, but their pissed off base wanted them to oppose Kavanaugh more strongly so they put on a show. I read...
It was never "gutted", the interpretation was narrow as to the intent of the amendment. You are trying to compare what it has evolved to today to...
Gutted how? It's cited in a lot of the social issue cases these days. In any case your point is ridiculous. It doesn't take a super genius to...
This became a big deal simply because of the order of appointment. Had Gorsuch been second, there would have been a similar backlash as the fear...
I suggest you do the same because overwhelmingly they have deferred towards expanding rights, not contracting them. For example the right to...
Terrible track record? Can I get a toke? If it was up to a simple majority in congress to reverse "rights", then gays would already be...